Schedule a Consult with Roanne - Yes, Please!

  • Well-Fed but Emotionally Hungry?

    Your unresolved cravings to be accepted as who you are can run amok in self-sabotaging patterns with yourself and in your relationships. 
    I’m Roanne, Filipina psychotherapist. I support Filipino Women in creatively expressing deep-seated hurts of your past so that you can finally return back home to yourself-restored & emotionally nourished. ahhh…(ube confetti please)!

    Tuloy Ka (Come On In!)

    As a self-identified Filipinx| Filipino Woman, you may hold traditional cultural dialogues in your head that clash with the Western cultural norms.

    Whether you were born in the Islands (Philippines) or not, speak the language with an accent or barely at all, many of us hold true the words spoken by well-intentioned adults-a.k.a. your parents, titas  & lolas who remind you the path they’ve led & the destination they hope for you to reach.

    These dialogues of hope become the stories you live by.

    Stories of those before you, have become your present.

    Like wearing a shoe that doesn’t fit you,

    It can feel tight, confusing and even suffocating at times.

    Stuck  in your daily to-dos, so-so relationships & the never ending reach for a good enough life to show for in family potlucks,

    BUT doesn’t feel LIKE yours.

    Imagine following a map to find the treasure you can call Yours.

    Let me be your guide…

    About Me

    I’m Roanne, Tagalog speaking psychotherapist. First generation immigrant Filipina and mama of 4.

    Your experience in therapy shouldn’t be as painful as to the reason you came in for.

    It shouldn’t take forever.

    It should be gentle and tailored to your need rather than a program you must adhere to.

    Because words aren’t sufficient in expressing your deepest hurts, therapy with me incorporates an integration of somatic (body) and soul-care based approaches that is both playful and in depth.

    When I’m not in my therapy sessions, I’m doing my own therapy through slow living, antique bookstore browsing, and a dose of trampoline-jumping with my little ones.

    *Offering Tele-Therapy at this time.

    Schedule a Consult with Roanne – Yes, Please!

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